Saturday, October 6, 2007

Visit to Stone mountain park-the second most visited national park in USA

A couple of weekends ago Boromashi and Boromesho took us to this national park. We had a blast! I somehow cannot put up many photos here, so i am posting a link. All you have to do is click on the photo you see in this post and a whole album should come up (or at least i hope so) I have sent these photos via e-mail too..but this is for all those people whom i have missed. I sure need to update my address book!

Here..just click on this
Stone Mountain




  1. It's working. Good girl!

    Now feel free to try something else out. A video perhaps?

  2. Oh..well..I don't have any vidoes as of now which would interest the family...when I do, I'll surely try:)

  3. Great photos again. I would love to visit these places.
