Monday, October 8, 2007

Scroll Down

Go on, keep scrolling. Go right to the bottom of the page.

What did you see?

A little timeline, right? Also known as a ticker tape, this one records The Bhablet's age. So you always know how old he is and when his birthday is approaching.

Now, my suggestion is that we put in a ticket tape for all the kids below ten in the extended family. Anyone want to do it themselves? No? (Yes?) If not, can you please mail me the kids' birth dates and I'll put them up. I can think of Mithi, Medha, Maya, Cassia offhand. Oh yes, and Chhotima. Who else? Send them in please and I'll put them up.

We can also use one such to keep track of approaching golden/silver/whatever anniversaries. Go on. If you feel shy about sending me your own, send me those of others.

Kin'ly 'scuse me not remembering all your important dates. I continue to forget my own husband's birthday -- this year I nearly made plans which involved his return to Cal a day before his birthday while The Bhablet and I stayed on back in Madras till a day after -- so you really shouldn't take it to heart.


  1. You wouldn't spare me even here?

    Puchi/Mithi: 18.12.99

    Medha: 18.08.01

  2. Chhotima -- What? I only asked for the date of your birth. Thanks for the other dates.

  3. Phuli, who are Mehda and Mithi?

  4. Arka.... Mithi and Medha are both Khokon's daughters.
