Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pics from Mashi(Keka) and Meno's(Anindya's) Jaipur and Ajmer trip

1st pic: Inside a Jain temple in Ajmer.

2nd pic: All the village belles in a trailer.

Tuadidi mailed me and said i could put up her latest update here

Saw a series of mails about the family blog...will check it out...last time i visited ...there were just phuli didi's posts...
well right now i am trying to figure out where to get not feeling like any exertion greater than that....last week was crazy...doing overtime , which is ok, except for the fact that then i get back at three and sleep at five,and get really bad sleep...but i got a nice token of appreciation which was a really nice surprise...though now i think it was a ploy of my team lead's to first give me some appreciation which i felt was pretty undeserved , since i am pretty much paid to do what i do, and then to give me a bundle of more work than others .....very very nice ego trip in a way, but i get hungry and stomachachey at night!and felt so tired on friday night....weekends are sacred scarosanct heavenly delicious things and eternal glory to anyone who inevented them...this is the best part of being a working person as opposed to studying...but all said and done i prefer this to studying .....i get the money, weekends are freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!, home is to sleep and enjoy in ...and nobody sitting on my head expecting me to top my classes ALL the time.its nice really....

this weekend is lazy...otherwise there are nice plays and things happening here. caught one at alliance francaise recently...nice comedy..there is a theatre festival going on , going to stage romeo and juliet tomorrow, its "far off " by bangalore standards, so going there is dicey...because while distances are really nothing, but it means a mini fortune in auto fare . film screenings happen too...and there is sme pretty active quizzing going on in this city...might attend a quiz some sunday morning later on this month provided i can get up.

food situation is nice too..though i miss the cheap peiping barbecue tibetan delights type chinese food

thats all my news. u can put it up on the family blog if u like.

Friday, October 26, 2007

B'mama (S.N. Roy) this is for you!

The massage chair B'mashi got B'mesho!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Durga Puja at Madras, October 2007

Baba (Babua) mails in his contribution:

Well there was this "flying whistle-stop" by Bheblu here at Madras - just for a week. One of his clear inventions (yes, I know the meaning of the word) was this -

You crawl. You crawl at a good speed, but not good enough for today's hectic world. So you take two small empty plastic boxes in your hands and crawl only with your legs. The plastic boxes help your hands slip/skate on the floor. This way you attain speeds faster than the grownups' walk!

Phuli says the invention stemmed from a desire to generally move around with empty plastic boxes.

The chap now calls Mrs Swati Roy "Did-did-di" or "Did-da". I am "Dad-da".

He is now back in Selimpur.

I only wish I had a movie camera to record it all...


Did Phuli/didi get you a cake at all? ;)

Amrita & Debika

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Durgapuja, Houston, 07

B'mesho and B'mashi

Thank you for a wonderful Pujo!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Congratulations! I made a card for you too! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Visited the beautiful Bavarian village of Helen and the Amicalola Falls in the Appalachian mountains this Sunday!

Please click on the photo below to see the complete album!

Helen and Amicalola Falls

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quick Bhablet Updates

Ok, most of the news has gone into the newsletter as always, so here are a couple of things that I forgot to include:

1. The Bhablet is pretty much weaned. Has been for the last few months. I mean, I still breastfeed him once a day most days, and twice if he looks poorly, but it's pretty futile apart from the comfort factor. Perversely, now that I don't have to, I continue to feed him early in the mornings, telling myself that it's good for his health. Even though I cannot complain of feeding problems, not anything serious anyway.

2. He can walk little distances if we hold him by one hand. We discovered this in a funny way. Normally he is happy to push this plastic chair we have round and round the room, or walk supported by us; but the last time Ma came to town, for mamadadu's funeral, she absent-mindedly started walking holding on to one hand only. Since he was already standing holding on to her legs, it didn't strike her that he couldn't walk on his own. And it was only after they had both walked several feet that it struck her that there was anything the slightest bit odd about the whole thing.

3. He had a growth spurt a month ago and managed to outgrow everything he was wearing. So now his t-shirts are back to hovering around his belly-button. He has lots of new clothes but I'm reserving them for Durga Puja. Hey, what? It's only a week away. Ok? Ok.

4. He has finally figured out how to sound his chimes. That not only must he pull the cord but that he must also let it go. Perhaps he is finally sprouting a few brains after all. Actually, jokes aside, it's fascinating watching him at play. He has this thing about putting stuff tidily into boxes and then taking them out. He tries to see what shapes fit into what other shapes, what sizes go into which. I'm thinking of checking out some Montessori training guidelines. If he'd not been interested I wouldn't have bothered, but since I'm at home and he is finally showing signs of dawning intelligence, it may be worth exploring.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Scroll Down

Go on, keep scrolling. Go right to the bottom of the page.

What did you see?

A little timeline, right? Also known as a ticker tape, this one records The Bhablet's age. So you always know how old he is and when his birthday is approaching.

Now, my suggestion is that we put in a ticket tape for all the kids below ten in the extended family. Anyone want to do it themselves? No? (Yes?) If not, can you please mail me the kids' birth dates and I'll put them up. I can think of Mithi, Medha, Maya, Cassia offhand. Oh yes, and Chhotima. Who else? Send them in please and I'll put them up.

We can also use one such to keep track of approaching golden/silver/whatever anniversaries. Go on. If you feel shy about sending me your own, send me those of others.

Kin'ly 'scuse me not remembering all your important dates. I continue to forget my own husband's birthday -- this year I nearly made plans which involved his return to Cal a day before his birthday while The Bhablet and I stayed on back in Madras till a day after -- so you really shouldn't take it to heart.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Visit to Stone mountain park-the second most visited national park in USA

A couple of weekends ago Boromashi and Boromesho took us to this national park. We had a blast! I somehow cannot put up many photos here, so i am posting a link. All you have to do is click on the photo you see in this post and a whole album should come up (or at least i hope so) I have sent these photos via e-mail too..but this is for all those people whom i have missed. I sure need to update my address book!

Here..just click on this
Stone Mountain

