Thursday, November 8, 2007

Blogging Guidelines

Ok, now that everybody has had a taste of what blogs can and cannot do, I think it’s time we all checked out some guidelines as well.

1. Before posting a photo, any photo, it is advisable to take the permission of the people who are in it or of the person who took it. If I’m posting photos from Moore Avenue in the ‘80s I’ll assume we all want to see them. Because the photos are old, so very few of us can be recognized by outsiders. But not everybody is comfortable with that, so please check. Anindyakaku I know has safety concerns and prefers not have his family pictured here. (Written about, yes, but not pictured.) If anybody else shares his discomfort please let us know so we do not inadvertently post photographs of yours.

My take on this: I’m comfortable with having photographs of me and my family online, because I’m very easy to find online anyway, blogs notwithstanding. You can find pics of mine elsewhere, and they have been around for a while and I haven’t found them to be a security threat yet. Perhaps as Rahul grows up I will change my stance but for now I’m fine with this.

2. Before posting a writeup/email/forward, it is better to take permission. Chhotima teases Anindyakaku and that is between them (and I think he deserves it) but in general, it is less likely to lead to misunderstandings if we only post that which we have been asked to post. If you receive a mail you would like to share with us all, please check with the sender.

3. I’ve said this earlier, but really, this space is for posting whatever you’d like to share. Whether you’re taking up a new job or joining a university or having a baby or finishing a jigsaw – if you think we’d like to hear about it, you’re probably right. (Ok, I’m a self-confessed nosy parker, really, but I’m sure the BBC, er, I mean Keka would also like to be in on it. Incidentally, have you ever considered how much a regularly updated blog could shave off your phone bills?) You can upload videos, music and photos; post links to sites you have enjoyed; write your own reviews of movies and books; discuss the odds of Chhotima cropping her hair in the next six months; wonder why Jimma spoils The Bhablet only in secret; and wait for Baba (Babuada’s) posting name to change. Like I said, it’s a free space out here.

Happy blogging!

Oh, and here’s a cheer to Chhordi (Amrita) and Chhotima for keeping this blog going, and a huge grin for Anindyakaku who seems to have taken the most active interest in posting. Good going, you all!


  1. Hmm..well...I'm wondering when Phulididi would get tired of being after my life in some way or the other!

    I was so sure that Meno was kidding about not having the photos on the blog, that I put them up but like you said Phulididi, we will post only when it is fine with the person who's in the post.

  2. Ayesha actually meant Ya'll, or so I'd like to think, from Roswell, GA.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. vsited the blog after quite some time.
    One important question:
    can i say something about my "out-laws" and have it labelled as "ANON" or will it always be traceable back to me?
