Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuadidi mailed me and said i could put up her latest update here

Saw a series of mails about the family blog...will check it out...last time i visited ...there were just phuli didi's posts...
well right now i am trying to figure out where to get not feeling like any exertion greater than that....last week was crazy...doing overtime , which is ok, except for the fact that then i get back at three and sleep at five,and get really bad sleep...but i got a nice token of appreciation which was a really nice surprise...though now i think it was a ploy of my team lead's to first give me some appreciation which i felt was pretty undeserved , since i am pretty much paid to do what i do, and then to give me a bundle of more work than others .....very very nice ego trip in a way, but i get hungry and stomachachey at night!and felt so tired on friday night....weekends are sacred scarosanct heavenly delicious things and eternal glory to anyone who inevented them...this is the best part of being a working person as opposed to studying...but all said and done i prefer this to studying .....i get the money, weekends are freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!, home is to sleep and enjoy in ...and nobody sitting on my head expecting me to top my classes ALL the time.its nice really....

this weekend is lazy...otherwise there are nice plays and things happening here. caught one at alliance francaise recently...nice comedy..there is a theatre festival going on , going to stage romeo and juliet tomorrow, its "far off " by bangalore standards, so going there is dicey...because while distances are really nothing, but it means a mini fortune in auto fare . film screenings happen too...and there is sme pretty active quizzing going on in this city...might attend a quiz some sunday morning later on this month provided i can get up.

food situation is nice too..though i miss the cheap peiping barbecue tibetan delights type chinese food

thats all my news. u can put it up on the family blog if u like.

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