Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quick Bhablet Updates

Ok, most of the news has gone into the newsletter as always, so here are a couple of things that I forgot to include:

1. The Bhablet is pretty much weaned. Has been for the last few months. I mean, I still breastfeed him once a day most days, and twice if he looks poorly, but it's pretty futile apart from the comfort factor. Perversely, now that I don't have to, I continue to feed him early in the mornings, telling myself that it's good for his health. Even though I cannot complain of feeding problems, not anything serious anyway.

2. He can walk little distances if we hold him by one hand. We discovered this in a funny way. Normally he is happy to push this plastic chair we have round and round the room, or walk supported by us; but the last time Ma came to town, for mamadadu's funeral, she absent-mindedly started walking holding on to one hand only. Since he was already standing holding on to her legs, it didn't strike her that he couldn't walk on his own. And it was only after they had both walked several feet that it struck her that there was anything the slightest bit odd about the whole thing.

3. He had a growth spurt a month ago and managed to outgrow everything he was wearing. So now his t-shirts are back to hovering around his belly-button. He has lots of new clothes but I'm reserving them for Durga Puja. Hey, what? It's only a week away. Ok? Ok.

4. He has finally figured out how to sound his chimes. That not only must he pull the cord but that he must also let it go. Perhaps he is finally sprouting a few brains after all. Actually, jokes aside, it's fascinating watching him at play. He has this thing about putting stuff tidily into boxes and then taking them out. He tries to see what shapes fit into what other shapes, what sizes go into which. I'm thinking of checking out some Montessori training guidelines. If he'd not been interested I wouldn't have bothered, but since I'm at home and he is finally showing signs of dawning intelligence, it may be worth exploring.


  1. What about his thing for music? Ma(Keka) and I have discovered that it's the only thing that keeps him quiet after he decides to have a fit of his wild screams.
    And he has also started taking advantage of his Giga's(again, Keka) presence when I scold him. He just refuses to listen to me and scolds me back, egged on by her.

  2. And he was trying to use the mosquito bat/racquet as a guitar before Ma snatched it away from him.

  3. Jimm -- Oh and I forgot to mention, he sways to the sound of his chimes. It's such a cute thing, really. Vicky keeps on playing the chimes just to watch him grin and sway.

    Please don't allow the bat anywhere near him. It took me a very long time to teach him that it's forbidden. That and cell phones. I don't wan him to unlearn that.

  4. I know. He sways to the background music but stops and listens when the lyrics start playing. When the next song begins, he starts swaying again and then stops for the lyrics, and this goes on and on.

  5. Hehe.. i love the fact that he scolds jimmadidi back:D

    phulididi, i saw the rabindrasangeet effect myself when i saw him via jimmadidi's webcam the other day and jimmadidi refused to talk to me on the headphone. You know why? bcoz he could not possibly be disturbed while giga n he were listening to music!

    I so want to see him walk! Hey phulididi, i know you are busy and burdened and everything, but whenever next you shoot a video of him, do send it to me, will you, please?

  6. Jimm -- And he has songs he likes and those he doesn't.

    Chhotima -- Sure. Actually, you should hound Vickydada into uploading the newer videos onto YouTube. There are quite a lot there already, if you search for bhaebla.

  7. Ok then! Will search for the ones that are already there and then give Vickyda a hard time till he uploads the new ones!

  8. Saw the already existing ones on youtube. have to be after Vickyda now!
